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DigisTool – List of More than a Hundred Free Internet Resources for Modifying Images, Verifying SOE and Many Others

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There are over 100 tools to use on DigisTool to enhance the image and decrease the image size, convert files between the formats, determine the SOE, and others

Contact Me


+91 888 088 7747





Krishnanda Nagar, Bengaluru-560096, Karnataka, India.


My name is Dhaurman C. R and am the owner of DigisTool. site where a person can get over one hundred free web-based tools which, will enable him/her to save a lot of time. Some of the things it can do are optimise an image by decreasing the size and/or the format of a document, Free SOE Checker and more…

 When formulating DigisTool, my intention was to have ready solutions to minor issues about which one will need a fix in the digital sphere. That is why I am fully convinced that technology is supposed to make things simple, not complicated. . If you have any idea as to how we could have enhanced the development of the tools or there are any other tools which you found to be rather useful and should be included in the list, kindly inform me. May I ask to reply to my e-mail address I read all the messages personally and your contribution greatly influence the direction of DigisTool. Thank you for choosing our services for looking for the job that meets your preferences.